YOUR fan of pizza? Nothing wrong if you tried visited Pizza Boutique. Here, the pizza will be served a pizza lover with a new taste sensation.
Starting from a vegetarian pizza to dessert pizza. Located at Plaza Indonesia Extension on the fourth floor, this restaurant is specialized in dishes from Italy this.
As the name implies, Pizza Boutique wants to be a place that provides various kinds of pizza. All this has many restaurants serving pizza menu. However, there is no real special restaurant offers pizza menu only.
"Usually they also provide other than pizza.Nah menu, we chose to be different, ie only provide just a pizza menu. His name is also a pizza restaurant "says PR Pizza Boutique Meli Chen.
So, do not be surprised if you come to this restaurant not find cake as dessert. Instead, you will find a variety of dessert pizza topped with a varied and of course a special taste.
In this type of pizza restaurants that become a mainstay is Mudhoney. Pizza with chocolate topping over the surface. Icing sugar and add additional premium milk is yummy food.
Meanwhile, a sprinkling of dark chocolate and shaped like a boutique buttons not only make this Italian dishes plus delicious, but it also looks so beautiful.
Another excellent menu is eskimo joe, pizza with raspberry sauce. For enthusiasts of the antioxidant green tea, would like a pizza-flavored ice cream with green tea. Another sensation is called pizza blackforest pizza with dark chocolate.
Well, pizza is the most preferred by children are cookies and cream. Own pizza bread filled with Oreos and above were given vanilla ice cream. Guaranteed deh, every child would not be able to resist delicious.
A variety of dessert pizza is what makes Melinda, became one loyal customer Pizza Boutique. The woman who is a self-employed, every month never missed come to the restaurant which operates from 10.00-23.00 o'clock pm this.
"I most like Mudhoney, brown felt there really was icing sugar too, I was deliberately pursuing his dessert this," Melinda beber a 23 year old.
Melinda admitted that the pizza restaurant has offered a better sense of more ngeblenddan Italy, because the thin pizza bread. He loved the BBQ pizza and mini pizza scroll. This is what can not be met at another pizza restaurant.
In line with Melinda, another visitor, Indra, also attracted to palatability BBQ pizza. In addition to pizza, a consultant based in Sudirman number is also like the taste of coffee on offer.
He also prefers to enjoy pizza with a cup of coffee. Indra's visit to a pizza restaurant is also quite intense. Apparently the man deliberately moved the meeting with his client activity to this restaurant. No wonder he is often visited this place.
"Strategic location and the place is not hectic, so if you do not talk too bothered," he said.
Usually Indra ordered the main course and pass the starter menu. He was quite satisfied with the main dishes on offer.
Just choose the menu only after the closing satisfied with the main meal. Indeed the restaurant is often a place for companies to launch new products.
"For the arrangement of chairs and tables or the presentation, we invite clients to manage," said Meli.
This restaurant becomes the ideal place for visitors who want to celebrate the year test. The seats were divided between the areas of smoking and non smoking so that visitors become more free. For lunch, Pizza Boutique has a package price lunch Rp60.000. + +.
Visitors can choose between soup or salad, pizza, or pasta. As for beverages may select one, ice lemon tea, black currant, or green tea.
For dessert, guests will be spoiled with ice cream-style Pizza Boutique. For materials to make pizza, Meli claiming most of these raw materials are imported from abroad.
Precisely from Australia which is a center Pizza Boutique. Call it young beef imported from Australia, including cheese, sauces, sausage, and spices used in making pizza.
No wonder if it is different. Pizza Boutique first opened in Jalan Suryo No. 20 Kebayoran Baru a. ..